
Free access to the Museums of Roma Capitale


From Sunday 3 October 2021, a “Domenica al museo” (Sunday at the Museum) will start again, the ministerial initiative thanks to which you will have the opportunity to visit the museums for free in Rome.

All visitors – residents and non-residents – have free access to the civic museums, to the archaeological area of ​​the Circo Massimo (from 9.30 to 19.00, last admission at 17.50), to the archaeological area of ​​the Fori imperiali (entrance from Trajan’s Column from 08.30 to 7.15 pm, last admission 6.10 pm) and to the pedestrian path of the archaeological area of ​​the Teatro di Marcello (from 9 to 19.00).

By booking it will also be possible to visit: the Capitoline Museums, the Trajan’s Markets Museum of the Imperial Fora, the Ara Pacis Museum, the Centrale Montemartini, the Museum of Rome, the Museum of Rome in Trastevere, the Gallery of Modern Art, the Museums of Villa Torlonia, the Civic Museum of Zoology, the Giovanni Barracco Museum of Ancient Sculpture, the Carlo Bilotti Orangery Museum of Villa Borghese, the Napoleonic Museum, the Pietro Canonica Museum in Villa Borghese, the Museum of the Roman Republic and Garibaldi memory, the Casal de ‘Pazzi Museum, the Museum of the Walls and the Villa of Maxentius.

To participate in the free first Sunday of the month, promoted by Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, reservations are required at 060608 and in the Tourist Infopoints (even on the same day).

For more information on the websites www.museiincomuneroma.it and culture.roma.it and on the social channels of Roma Culture, the Sistema Musei e della Sovrintendenza Capitolina.


Stay with us

We remind you that our structure will be happy to host anyone who wants to take advantage of the event to visit our beautiful city by offering our best Bed and Breakfast service. Take a virtual tour of our rooms in the appropriate section, choose your favorite and book your stay.
We are waiting for you!


La nostra proposta




Ogni evento è un'esperienza unica che diventa indimenticabile se a fare da sfondo c'è il panorama della città più bella del mondo.